Serving the Community Since 1989
Credibility Alliance Accredited | F.C.R.A. Registered | Benevity Approved

The D.Ed. (ID) , B.Ed. (ID) and M.Ed. (ID) in Special Education programs will especially help the student trainees develop the following Knowledge based competencies:
About various disabilities and their associated conditions
Differential needs of learners with disabilities in general
Differential needs of learners with ASD, ID and SLD
Various areas of child development and the relevant mental processes
Legislative provisions & policy guidelines for education and rehabilitation aspects · Educational needs of the children with disability and their management
Planning and execution of curricular and co-curricular activities
Methods and techniques of teaching of various subjects Skill based competencies:
Assessment and identification of learners with ASD, ID and SLD using a multidisciplinary approach
Interventional strategies of addressing learning styles and preferences.
Use of curricular strategies, pedagogical approaches, adaptations and assessments
Promotion of inclusive practices and involvement of family and community
Development of specialized skills in planning and providing support services to high-support need groups (Children with severe disabilities)
Development of competencies to teach in varied settings including special schools, inclusive schools, home-based education and technology-based home learning environments Value or Behavior based competencies:
Promotion of school culture and ethos for inclusive educational practices;
Empowerment of families for equal partnership and advocacy of children;
Involvement of community for resource mobilization and support;
Promotion of inclusive practices with equity and quality;
Acceptance of every student with the belief and conviction that every child will learn.
Digdarshika Institute of Rehabilitation & Research
Job Opportunity in Special Education
D.Ed.,B.Ed. & M.Ed. Spl. Ed.(MR/ID)